Who Are We?

Vaulted is an online marketplace intended for unreleased music. We aim to help artists better connect with their fans, and more properly monetize their work, without having to devalue their craft. Our goal is to become the premier destination where artists choose to release exclusive tracks to their audience. Think Patreon meets Spotify.

What is Our Goal?

Our Goal is to empower creators to do their best work, giving them a platform to directly connect with their fans. Can you imagine a world where an artist can engage with their most fervent supporters to make a comfortable living, without the upfront costs of a tour? We want to see the value of artistry increase in the digital age.

How Will We Achieve It?

We're focused on excellence. We value the feedback from the people on our platform, to walk alongside us as we create something that truly revolutionizes the way that art is distributed seamlessly across borders. We know it won't be easy. We're counting on it. Because if it was easy, then that would mean the problem isn't worth solving. Join us on this journey.